Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Scripture Hero Trading cards, You can color

I was thinking about all the printing I will be doing through out the coming year and decided I wanted my Trading cards to be in black and white.  I can make 1 copy of each to keep on file and have the Ward library make as many copies as I need on card stock.  I save money on ink and card stock.  I will do my monthly ones first, and then if I have time I will to the rest of the full 28.

Moroni- January
We will have the children color them and bear testimony of the scripture or share their favorite scripture about the hero on the back.  I will save the cards and then laminate them.  We will choose 2 to 3 per child to put on the ward Christmas tree at the end of the year and return the others to the kids.
Moroni =January

 Adam and Eve- February
 Ruth and Naomi- March

Alma the Younger-April

Job- May
Brother of Jared-June
 King Benjamin-July
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego= October

Nephi- November

Samuel the Lamanite- December

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