Thursday, July 9, 2015

Using board games for Singing time

I have used Kerplunk and Uno  in primary to sing songs.  We own a lot of board games.  The other day I was looking at my fibber game and wondering how I could incorporate  it into a fun singing time the next time I sub for my music leader.  The potential for laughter and fun is great, but how to use it?  In case you didn't know, it has sets of glasses with noses attached. In the game if you get caught telling a lie you add another nose on top of your own.
I thought about " almost correct lyrics" where I print some correct and incorrect ones and if they choose a wrong one, their teacher wears a nose, but I could see them choosing wrong on purpose.  I also thought about teaming up with my music leader and using it as a singing meter.  Every time they sing a review song well, we add a nose and I get to wear it as the silly Primary President... sniffing out super singers?

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