Thursday, December 29, 2016

January week 2

Click on pictures, save to computer, and print

Introduce year theme Sharing time

Because we have 5 Sundays in January, you could use this as a chance to share the yearly theme with the children.  This is just one way, using the "Friend" and the monthly challenge cards.

Click on picture and save to computer and then print

Click on picture and save to computer and then print

Click on picture and save to computer and then print

Click on picture and save to computer and then print

Introduce songs for the year

Click on picture, Save to computer and print

Click on picture, Save to computer and print

Click on picture, Save to computer and print

Click on picture, Save to computer and print

Click on picture, Save to computer and print

Click on picture, Save to computer and print

Click on picture, Save to computer and print

Friday, August 19, 2016

Ideas for a Bulletin Board for 2017 Primary Theme

A possible way to use my posters on a black background with green borders....

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Scripture heroes of the First Presidency

Although I am no longer serving in the Primary Presidency, I thought I would share this from my files.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Week 2: Jesus Christ is the perfect example for me.

Introduce the doctrine: Sing “Do As I’m Doing” (CS, 276), and ask the children to follow you as you do several simple actions, such as clapping your hands, stretching your arms above your head, or marching in place.
Ask the children to name some things they have learned by following someone’s example (for example, how to make a bed or play a game). Write on the board “Jesus Christ is the perfect example for me.” Testify that Christ was the only person who has lived on the earth who has set the perfect example for us to follow. Have the children read the sentence together.
Show the three empty bags  labeled “Peacemakers,” “Kindness,” and “Loving and Serving.”  Say, “We can’t do all the things that Jesus Christ did, but, like Him, we can be kind, we can be peacemakers, and we can love and serve others.”
Following the example of Jesus is a sweet feeling.  We can make others feel good when we follow His example.
Have a child choose a strip of paper and read (or you read) the situation . Ask, “What would you do?” or “How would you like to be treated if this happened to you?”
Place the candy piece in the correct bag. Complete as many situations as possible.

Sing “I’m trying to be like Jesus” with the children, and then bear testimony of the “sweetness” of following the example of Jesus Christ.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Primary Talk, Heavenly Father Speaks to us through Prophets

I was thinking about those of you with Primary aged children who be called on to give a talk in Primary.   This would be also a good for Family Home Evening.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Calling update.

I was released as Primary President last Sunday but I intend to still add ideas to my blog.  I think they can be used in FHE sometimes as well, plus its something I love!