Thursday, December 31, 2015

Adam and Eve Coloring pages and puzzle pages

Coloring pages- Junior Primary One per week

Puzzle's and word searches for Senior Primary

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Coloring and puzzle pages for Moroni

I am thinking we will offer 1 coloring page for junior, and 1 puzzle or challenge page a week for Senior.  Then keep extra copies for kids who were absent.  We can also include some in the newsletter.

Junior Primary

Senior Primary

All of these came from the Friend.  I think we will give out scripture cards and  "If I had known" cards on the third or fourth Sunday, Possibly in the class rooms.

I am thinking we will put the original copies in clear sleeves and put them in a binder in the closet.  Then we can print what we need each week in the library.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Another way to liken the scriptures unto themselves..

I am thinking of offering these cards as another way for the Primary Children to get to know the characters in the scriptures.  They can be used for any character as they fill in the blank.  It would also be a great resource for the Primary Program if you collected them and kept them.  You could offer them to teachers to use, use in newsletters, or as handouts.

Introduce the 2016 songs

If your looking for a way to introduce the songs for the new year, or you are in charge on the 5th Sunday and need something longer for that extra time you could use this puzzle.
My idea was to print, cut it out.  Put the pieces under the chairs or mix them up pinned to the cork board. Introduce the songs, sing first verses, and have the kids put the puzzle together.
 Empty spaces for the 2 songs you choose.

Dec 2015 Week 4 Sharing time "I can live with Jesus Christ again."

Place a picture of the world at one end of the room and a picture of Jesus Christ at the other end of the room. Ask a child to try to jump from one picture to the other. Explain that there are steps we must take to live with Jesus and Heavenly Father again.
Show the Children the first Stepping stone “Faith”.

Ask the Children what they think Faith is? Place the first stepping stone on the floor.
 Invite a child to come and stand on the stepping stone, ask them if they could make it to the poster by just taking a step? (They can't) Explain that their are more things we need to do to help us to live with Jesus again.  Explain that some of the Stones we may use only once, but others we repeat throughout our lives. Continue with the rest of the Stepping Stones.

Stepping Stones:  
    Family Home Evening
    Partake of the Sacrament
    Attend Church
    Temple Covenants
    Temple Marriage
    Study the Scriptures
    Keep the Commandments & Covenants

Invite a child to walk from the picture of the world to the picture of the Savior, touching only the stepping-stones. Encourage the children to always do what is right so they can stay on the path to return to live with Jesus Christ again.
Bear Testimony of following the path to Jesus Christ.


Friday, December 25, 2015

More Scripture Heroes in Black and white

I promised I would add the scripture Heroes I am not featuring monthly so you pick and choose.
Here is Abinadi and Abish.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Scripture Hero Trading cards, You can color

I was thinking about all the printing I will be doing through out the coming year and decided I wanted my Trading cards to be in black and white.  I can make 1 copy of each to keep on file and have the Ward library make as many copies as I need on card stock.  I save money on ink and card stock.  I will do my monthly ones first, and then if I have time I will to the rest of the full 28.

Moroni- January
We will have the children color them and bear testimony of the scripture or share their favorite scripture about the hero on the back.  I will save the cards and then laminate them.  We will choose 2 to 3 per child to put on the ward Christmas tree at the end of the year and return the others to the kids.
Moroni =January

 Adam and Eve- February
 Ruth and Naomi- March

Alma the Younger-April

Job- May
Brother of Jared-June
 King Benjamin-July
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego= October

Nephi- November

Samuel the Lamanite- December