I borrowed this idea from the Friend magazine and adapted it to fit this weeks lesson: https://www.lds.org/friend/2008/10/testimony-glove?lang=eng
Each child will understand How
a testimony is gained through the Holy Ghost and what a Testimony is and how to share it
with others.
Bring a picture of each of the following,
Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ,
Joseph Smith
the Book of Mormon ,
a temple, President Monson.
Also a white glove with velcro dots or tape to attach pictures.
bring some of the following kinds of gloves and ask some Sunbeams to hold each
pair for the
to see.
1. Rubber
2. Doctor’s
3. Biking
4. Winter
Moroni 10:5 together, and testify that
the Holy Ghost will help us learn the truth. Post the Card with the scripture
on the board. Tell the children that sometimes they may get a warm, peaceful
feeling while at church, while doing acts of kindness, or as they pray and read
the scriptures. Explain that this peaceful feeling is the Holy Ghost letting
them know that these things are true and right. This helps us gain a testimony.
Suggested Lesson Development:
Ask the children how each of the pairs of gloves are used?
that gloves help us with our work, keep us warm and protect our hands. Tell the
children that they are going to learn about a new kind
of glove, one that they have probably never seen.
the white glove and tell the children that this glove represents the Holy
Ghost. The Holy Ghost is a member of the Godhead and does
not have a body of flesh and bone. But He is someone that can teach us important things by
speaking to our hearts and minds. He tells us when things are true; He helps us gain a Testimony.
What are some of the things that the Holy Ghost tells us are true?
* Heavenly
* Jesus
* Joseph
* The
* President
each of
the pictures of each item as the children think of answers. You may need to
help by giving ideas to guide them towards the
five principles of a pure testimony.
to the children that when we bear a testimony we should include at least one or
more of these things. Expressing thanks for parents,
brothers and sisters, teachers, home, blessings, etc…is commendable but it is not our testimony.
Presentation: Bear your testimony while using the
glove to show the children what a pure testimony really
is. Use the following words as a guide, but allow the Holy Ghost to direct what
you say.
1. I
know that God is our Father in Heaven and He loves us.
2. I
know that Jesus Christ is His Son, our Savior and Redeemer.
3. I
know Joseph Smith is a prophet of God, and he was the instrument through which
the gospel of Jesus Christ was restored to the
earth. He translated the Book of Mormon by the gift and power of God.
4. I
know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Lord’s church on
the earth today.
5. I
know this Church is led by a living prophet who receives revelation.
Invite the children to take home
the handout and teach about testimony in family Home evening. If children have brothers and sisters in
Primary encourage them to teach it together. Invite them to bear their testimonies
to their families.
Scripture Discussion:
Use the following scriptures to supplement your discussion as needed, D&C 62:3, Alma 32:23
click on the pictures and you should be able to save them, and then print.
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